I’m so mad I could spit. Actually, I’ve calmed down a little, but I was so mad I could spit. I didn’t know why, but as I cleaned out the pool today, I got this feeling of gloom and doom. The pool was so dirty, and it wasn’t getting clean with the vacuum, and I just felt despair. Just as I was about to give up and throw the hose over the fence, I looked. I mean my eyes finally focused on the object in the middle of the pool. I had been cleaning all around it, but paying no attention to it. It was a baby pool. Not just any baby pool either, but the baby pool that had been sitting in our yard for nearly a year and a half. The one that has collected rainwater, leaves, and dirt at various times in the year, not to mention mildew/mold in selected spots. Yes, this filthy, disgusting collector of all organic material was floating in my pool!
What nonsense to think that I could try to get my pool clean with this cesspool floating around in it. Of course the bigger question is, how did I miss it? Why didn’t I think, “There is a dirty, rotten thing floating in my pool and I need to get it out, quickly!”
My pool is symbolic of my life. It’s so easy to see that my pool is dirty, but so hard to focus on the thing that is causing it. It’s easy to see that I’m not experiencing all that God has for me, but so hard to open my eyes to the sin that is causing it to be that way. LORD, open my eyes that I can see to remove the log in my eye, or in this case, the baby pool in my pool. Have mercy on me, LORD, a sinner.
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